Published on: Sunday August, 1st 2021

When the son of Adam gets up in the morning, all of his body organs humble themselves before the tongue, and say: 'Fear Allah concerning us! For indeed, we are only as you are (our condition depends upon yours); if you are upright, we shall be upright, and if you are crooked, we shall be crooked.’[At-Tirmidhi]

«إذا أصْبَح ابن آدَم، فإن الأعضاء كلَّها تَكْفُرُ اللِّسان، تقول: اتَّقِ الله فِينَا، فإنَّما نحن بِك؛ فإن اسْتَقَمْتَ اسْتَقَمْنَا، وإن اعْوَجَجْت اعْوَجَجْنَا» (الترمذي)

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