Published on: Sunday August, 1st 2021

When you travel through green lush land, give the camels their share from the ground, and when you travel through dry barren land, make them walk quickly before their strength falters. When you encamp at night, keep away from the roads, because they are the paths of animals and the resorts of insects at nighttime. [Muslim]

"إذا سافرتم في الخِصْب، فأَعْطُوا الإبل حظَّها من الأرض، وإذا سافرتم في الجَدْب، فأَسْرِعوا عليها السَّيْر، وبادروا بها نِقْيَها، وإذا عَرَّسْتُم، فاجتنبوا الطريق؛ فإنها طُرُق الدَّوَابِّ، ومَأْوَى الهَوَامِّ بالليل" (مسلم)

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