Published on: Saturday July, 31st 2021

Do not ask me unnecessarily about what I did not mention to you. Verily, what destroyed those who were before you was their asking too many questions and their disagreement with their Prophets. So, if I forbid you from something, then avoid it; and if I command you to do something, then do as much of it as you can." [Al-Bukhari]

دَعُونيِ ما تركتكم، إنما أهلك من كان قبلكم كثرة سُؤَالهم واختلافهم على أنبيائهم، فإذا نَهَيتُكم عن شيء فاجتَنِبُوه، وإذا أمرتكم بأمر فأتوا منه ما استطعتم» [صحيح. - متفق عليه.]

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