Published on: Wednesday July, 28th 2021

Two gardens, the utensils and the contents of which are of silver; two other gardens, the utensils and the contents of which are of gold. Nothing will prevent people from looking at their Lord except the veil of pride over His Face in the Garden of Eden. [Al-Bukhari]

"«جَنَّتانِ مِن فِضَّةٍ آنِيَتُهما، وما فيهما، وجَنَّتانِ مِن ذَهَبٍ آنِيَتُهما، وما فيهما، وما بين القومِ وبين أنْ ينظروا إلى ربِّهم إلَّا رِداءُ الكِبْرِياءُ على وجهِه في جَنَّة عَدْنٍ». [صحيح.] - [متفق عليه."

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