Published on: Saturday July, 24th 2021

Allah selected Kinānah from the children of Isma‘īl, Quraysh from Kinānah, the children of Hāshim from Quraysh, and me from the children of Hāshim. So I am the master of the children of Adam, without pride. And I am the first for which the earth will be split open, and I am the first intercessor, and the first to be granted intercession. [Ibn Hibbaan]

«إنَّ اللهَ اصْطَفى كِنانَة من وَلَد إسماعيل، واصْطَفى قُريشًا من كِنانة، واصْطَفى بَني هاشم مِنْ قُرَيش، واصْطَفاني مِنْ بني هاشم، فأنا سَيِّدُ وَلَد آدم ولا فَخْر، وأوَّلُ مَن تَنْشَقُّ عنه الأرض، وأوَّلُ شافع، وأوَّل مُشَفَّع». [ابن حبان]

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