Published on: Sunday August, 1st 2021

"“Whoever is prevented from doing something because of his belief in bad omens has thus committed polytheism. They said: What is the expiation of that? He said: It is to say: ""O Allah, there is no good except Your good, nor omen except Your omen, and there is no god but You.’” [Ahmad]"

"مَن ردته الطِّيَرَة عن حاجته فقد أشرك، قالوا: فما كفارة ذلك؟ قال: أن تقول: اللهم لا خير إلا خيرك، ولا طَيْرَ إِلَّا طَيْرُكَ ولا إله غيرك"". [صحيح.] - [رواه أحمد.]"

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