Published on: Thursday July, 29th 2021

The Witr is due, so whoever wants to pray the Witr as seven (units of prayer), let him do so; whoever wants to pray the Witr as five, let him do so; whoever wants to pray the Witr as three, let him do so; and whoever wants to pray the Witr as one, let him do so. [Ibn Maajah]

"«الوِتر حَق، فمن شاء أوْتَر بِسبْعٍ، ومن شاء أوْتَر بخمس، ومن شاء أوْتَر بثلاث، ومن شاء أوْتَر بواحدة». [صحيح.] - [رواه النسائي وأبو داود وابن ماجه.]"

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